Manuel Leira and Maria Herranz leads Nexo , the studio has challenged ourselves to obtain the best approach in each project, trying to re-invent eachother, explore new territories and get unexpected solutions.
The international ideas competition, indeed, has been the vehicle to test their architecture in all kinds of scenarios and scales, developing their personal research and architectural language with freedom.
The common denominator of Nexo's projects is to re-think the project´s strategy approaching the programs proposed and the Site concerns, From the first prize to build 1,300 social housing for the IVIMA in Los Berrocales, Madrid, to a one million inhabitants Sustainable City in China with Eduardo Leira, Nexo has been focus on challenging and questioning programs, environmental aspects and formal research, having always the target to get a unique/unexpected human experience in all projects proposed.
After winning the competition for the Integral Center of Transport in Madrid in 2016, the work is currently nearing completion, representing one of the most powerful developments in the north of the capital. The experience gained in the field of sustainability has allowed the development of very ambitious projects in their environmental efficiency, even building the new Metro de Madrid headquarters as a building with almost zero energy with cutting-edge technologies.